Top 5: Essie Nail Polishes

This week in my top 5 series I'm bringing you some Essie Polishes! I'm a little bit of a brand addict with nail polish, and tend to only stick to Essie (with a teeny amount of Barry M and Models Own thrown in every now and then) as I just love their colour range so much. Without further ado, here are my top picks...

1. Wicked (dark red).

This is the perfect nail polish for feeling fearless. Whenever I wear it I feel like Meryl Streep in the Devil Wears Prada, extremely powerful and like I could conquer the world. Not only does it make you feel totally badass, it's also perfect for this time of year and it's one I find myself constantly reapplying (sometimes with added glitter) in the run up to Christmas.

2. Merino Cool (purpley-grey).

The one that's currently on my nails, and btw looks great. Another polish that I lean towards this time of year as its muted tones just seem to work so well. It looks so chic on, and one I find gets lots of compliments. An all round winner.

3. Maximillan Strasse-Her (greeny-grey).

Ahhh, my favourite nail polish shade of ALL TIME. I know, that's a big statement to make but I really do love this so much. I was inspired to buy it after seeing it on so many blogs (and one of my favourites, Lily Pebbles). It's one of those colours you can't quite pin down, and one that everyone describes in a different way. To cover all areas, I reckon it's a mixture of muted green, grey with a hint of blue thrown in and a nod towards the minty side of things. Still confused? Me too, but one thing I do know is that it looks great on.

4. Fiji (light pink).

The perfect shade for summer and one I'm always found painting my toes with. My auntie claims this is 'white' but trust me, it's a very light pink (we've had many an argument over this) and it looks so pretty on, especially when I've got a bit of a tan. It's my go-to holiday shade.

5. Set in Stone (silver glitter).

Finally I'm finishing up with the most 'wow' of the bunch. Set in Stone is the most gorgeous silver glitter, perfect for a special occasion. It's the one I wore layered over a nude for my 21st, and one that I'll be bringing out again this Christmas over a red or a navy blue. It's beautiful. Enough said.

There you have it! Next on my list to buy are Master Plan and After School Boy Blazer (which would look so nice with Set in Stone over the top!). What are your favourite Essie picks or what do you have your eye on?

Laura xx


  1. I really need to start looking after my nails more so I can wear pretty polishes, but I bite them so much:( I do love Essie shades though, they're all so lovely!x

    Mollie Victoria Beauty | Blog

    1. Have you tried the stuff that tastes horrible when you bite it? That worked for my friend!Yes, I think Essie might be my favourite brand! xx


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