November Favourites

A little late on the November favourites front but nonetheless here we go...

1. Chanel Lipstick in 'Adrienne'.

The perfect peachy nude shade that is ultra nourishing and moisturising but still provides a good amount of colour. This number is now battling for my favourite lipstick of all time (alongside Mac's Patisserie). I've been loving it paired with Patina on the eye lately. If you're passing a Chanel counter give this a swatch, you may fall in love too. 

2. Essie Merino Cool.

I'm currently rocking this on my nails as we speak. It's a beautiful muted purple-grey colour that I love around this time of year. I think it looks really chic on and makes me feel a little more put together (even when I'm wearing no makeup, pyjamas and stressing over a deadline). 

3. NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in 'Copenhagen'.

I've had my eye on this beauty for years now, so when a NYX counter hit my local Boots in Manchester Market Street I couldn't resist picking it up. If you live in/near Manchester and haven't seen the NYX counter already, I'd highly recommend a visit, they have just about everything and it's all so reasonably priced! Copenhagen is the perfect berry shade that looks great during autumn/winter. It's super long lasting and really pigmented meaning you need to apply very little to get the shade you see on the tube. I've got a few more soft matte lip creams on my wishlist already. 

4. Revlon ColorStay Foundation.

I rekindled my love for this foundation this month. We had a brief fling back a few years ago but I fell out of love after my skin. After picking up a different shade last month, I can't understand why we ever broke up. We are just meant to be. It's said to be a dupe for Estee Lauder Double Wear or Mac's Studio Fix Fluid (both of which I adore but can't afford to repurchase :( #studentproblems). It provides high coverage and lasts all day. What's not to love?

5. Mac Eyeshadow in 'Patina'. 

As mentioned above, I've been loving this all over the lid and under the lower lash line paired with the Chanel lipstick for everyday wear. I went through a period of only wearing mascara on a daily basis, however as the months have been getting colder resulting in me gradually getting paler, I've felt I needed a little something extra on the eye to stop me looking so washed out. This has done the trick just perfectly as it's just subtle enough to get away with in the day time. Expect a makeup look with this in coming soon.

What have been your favourites throughout November? 

Laura xx


  1. The NYX Matte Lip in Copenhagen is calling to me - might have to try it out soon.
    Great post!

    Holly |

  2. Colourstay was on my November favorites too! <3 I didn't love it when I first got it but after wearing it day after day it's become one of my favorites!

    Montse ¦ BEAUTEUR

    1. Same! I went through a phase of really not liking it but now I'm back to it again. It's so good, can't understand why I didn't like it! xx


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