Sunday, 11 January 2015

Blog of The Week #1 - Bonjour Beth

So here on What Laura Blogged Next I've decided to start a little weekly feature called 'Blog of The Week' where I simply show you guys a blog I've been adoring this week. This will be a Sunday night feature, a time when I myself love to have a bit of a pamper and read new blogs, so keep your eyes peeled around this time every week for someone new to check out! If you're interested in being featured as a Blog of The Week, drop me a line on Twitter @whtlrblggdnxt or comment below with all your links and I'll have a peek!

So this week the blog I've been loving is Bonjour Beth!  She's a 21 year old beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger from Derbyshire and has a wonderful blog! I've been loving reading through her posts this week, and may have gone on a mad stalker binge and read every one from the start (sorry Beth!) but they really are that good. Her pictures are excellent quality and I'm in love with the layout of her blog. She's also been super helpful and lovely to me on Twitter by giving a new little blogger like myself some well needed advice!

Here's a peek:

How lovely is that?!?

Anyway, here are all of Beth's links so you can go give her a follow and a hello!

Bloglovin: and

Give me a shout if you're interested in being featured on next week's Blog of The Week post!

Laura x


  1. I'm so touched by this Laura, thank you so much! :)

    Beth x

    1. Glad you liked it :) I seriously love your blog! xx

  2. Really been enjoying keeping up with your daily posts this week :) And Beth's blog looks great too! X

    Natalie | Broke Student Fashion
