Where Have You Been? (Again....)

You may or may not have noticed, but I've (again) been absent from blogging for quite some time. Basically life got in the way. So rather than bore you with another post full of reasons why I haven't been blogging, here's a post of the fun things I've been up to and the changes that have been going on in my life whilst I've been away...

So, in the style of the 7 days, 7 things posts I used to do on here, here's 7 things I've been up to since I last posted.

1). I finally got round to updating my blog theme! Wahoo! I was so unhappy with how my blog looked before, which I think contributed to my lack of posts and general loss of interest in my blog. I've gone for what I hopefully think is a much sleeker, more professional design. It's still a working progress, and I'm still after a really nice blog header (suggestions welcome!), but it's getting there. I had a brief fling with Wordpress during this time, but found it too complicated and difficult to upload a theme unless you had a proper domain name. 

2). I got older. I turned 21 on the 1st October. I went to Rome with my parents for my birthday and it was absolute bliss. We did all the usual touristy stuff, as well as eat at some incredible restaurants and drink at some amazing cocktail bars. I might do a little post soon of my recommendations from my trip. Also with living in Manchester whilst I'm at uni, I was thinking of doing a Manchester tips one too? Let me know if you'd like this! 

3). For my birthday, I also threw a massive house party that was a joint birthday shindig with my friend who also turned 21. We kitted out his basement with a full on DJ room, equipped with decks, speakers, lights and even a smoke machine. We had a couple of friends play on rotation all night too and it was amazing. Everyone loved it and it is definitely a birthday party that I'll never forget. 

4). I've started back at uni. I'm now in my 3rd year and I'm still loving it. I'm finding the workload a little heavier but my classes are more interesting so I don't really mind at the moment. It's great being back living with friends too, late night movie nights are so much more fun when there's loads of you around.

5). I got promoted to Decor Team Leader at Pangaea Festival, which is a night held at our University 3 times a year and is the largest student run festival in Europe. It's an amazing night, and so much fun to be involved with. My role includes working with others to think up a theme for the festival, creating ideas for set designs, lighting and general decor and then getting it all made and set up ready for the night. It's a huge event, with some amazing artists playing, and I don't think any other uni does anything like it. So if you ever get the chance to go, do so! Here's the site if you fancy knowing more about it all.

6). I recently started contributing to the Fashion & Beauty section at the Mancunion Newspaper, which is a student run newspaper at our uni. It's something I've wanted to do for the past year, but just never got round to doing. So I took the plunge last week and wrote my first article for them, a piece on International Beauty pieces, which will be up next week I think. I also went to my first meeting today and it was nowhere near as scary as I thought it would be, everyone was really lovely! I'm really looking forward to writing more for these guys in the next year to come.

7). Finally, I really want to get more involved with blogging this time. I'm hoping to attend more events and meet some lovely people, after all that's what blogging is all about isn't it? I feel that when I last had a crack at it, I didn't make the most of all the opportunities that were offered to me. I often turned down events because I was too shy/nervous which led to me missing out on some really cool events. But this time, I'm going to bite the bullet and attend every single event/meet up/anything that may come my way. Meeting like minded people (with a love of all things beauty and fashion) is something that makes me really happy, so why not do it more often? 

What have you all been up to recently? 

Laura x  


  1. Happy belated birthday! :) Glad to see you back on the blog x


    1. Thank you! It means a lot :) I'm glad to be back too :) xx

  2. So this is going to sound silly, but I FINALLY seemed to have found a blog by someone that's my age! I found your link on Etsy actually! I am completely new at blogging, and I cant seem to find blogs, so I am excited I found yours!
    and happy belated birthday! :)

    1. Wahoo! Aw that's so cool, thank you for visiting! I love your blog, it looks so good! Would not have guessed you were new at all. Thank you :) xxx

    2. Really!? Thank you! I Just discovered the Templates on Etsy a few days ago! Before that you could definitely tell I was new haha

    3. Same with mine! Took me so long to work out the whole template thing but now I'm so glad I have!


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