Favourite Lip Balms & Storage Ideas

 As you may or may not know, I am a self confessed lip balm junkie. I've got hoards of them, absolutely loads. Whether they're stored away, tucked into bags, in pockets of jeans or in random drawers, they're everywhere. Hands up, I've got a problem. This does mean however, that my lips are usually pretty soft which is the main plus side of being a lipbalm addict. Another positive thing is that I know which ones are good! And here they are: 

I tried to narrow it down to 5 but I simply couldn't pick, so 8 will have to suffice.

Carmex, £2.69: Above in the picture is the Cherry flavour but I'm really not too fussed on which flavour I use (yes, I have all of them) as they're all really really good. I love the tingle you get on your lips when you apply this, and it gives a really nice shine after too.

Nivea Soothe + Protect, £2.75: I like this one for taking out in cold weather as I feel like it really protects your lips from the wind. With living in Manchester, bad weather is something I have to deal with on a regular basis so this is my go to balm for chucking in my bag on cold days (every day). 

Nivea Pure & Natural Milk & Honey, £2.00: This is such a dreamy balm. By that I mean it just glides on like a dream, smells like a dream and leaves your lips feeling like a dream. Just all round dreamy.

Nivea Hydro Care, £1.58: As you can see, Nivea are a bit of a recurring brand here, simply because their lip balms are so good! I really like the buttery/balmy/nourishing texture that they all have. This one is perfect after a good old lip scrub as it really gets the moisture back in there.

Lypsyl Original, £1.29: Again, another great one for applying after scrubbing your lips as it's super moisturising. I love the Cherry & Strawberry flavours/tints that these guys make too. 

Blistex Orange Mango Blast, £1.75: Oh my word this has to be the nicest smelling lip balm I own. It smells like summer in a tube. It's also really moisturising. Win win. They also do an incredible one in the Raspberry Lemonade flavour but I couldn't find my one to include in the photo. But that one is just as good.

Blistex Intensive Moisturiser, £2.59: We're bringing out the big guns here. If you're lips are pretty cracked then this is the gem you need. I always reach for this when the seasons change and my lips get seriously cracked (does this happen to anyone else??) and it sorts them out perfectly. It's also a good one to put on before bed if you're after silky soft lips for when you wake up.

Nuxe Reve de Miel, £9.50: The most expensive of the bunch is this one from Nuxe. I picked this up in Paris two years ago and I've only just reached the end of it, so you do get your money's worth! It's a little different from all the others as it leaves your lips with a slightly matte finish as opposed to the shiny ones the others give but it's still incredibly moisturising. The smell is heavenly too.  

TIP: If you're planning on buying any of the lip balms it's always worth having a look at places like BodyCare or Home Bargains as they often have quite a lot of the ones I've shown for around 99p.The prices I've put next to them were ones I found on Google but definitely shop about for cheaper ones!  

Finally, this is how I store some of my lip balms. The rest are scattered round in bags, jeans, drawers and rooms! I use an old jam jar for storage, as I think it looks super cute/vintagey which I really like. I'm going to peel the label off it after this post so it's easier to see what's inside but I really like how they look in here. Plus you can fit loads in, I've squeezed 11 into here! I now just need to use up another jar of jam so I've got somewhere to keep all the rest of them! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I really enjoyed writing it! What are your favourite lip balms? I'd love to know so I can add some more to my shopping list!

Laura x 

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