My Favourite Toners

Want to see my top toner picks? Read on...

A toner is something I've always been a little dubious of. As good old Sali Hughes once said, "If you enjoy using a toner, I'm all for it, but please don't use it just because someone on a counter or in a salon said you need it to 'remove the last traces of makeup and close your pores'. Neither of these things are true". Now back in the day I used to use some awful toners that claimed to close your pores and stung like hell upon application (anyone remember the clean and clear blue stuff? ew!). Nowadays however, partially due to the wonderful Sali Hughes, I've realised toners cannot close your pores (I don't even think it's physically possible to do that) and have seen the light and been saved by some toners that actually work. So here they are:

1. La Roche Posay Serozinc: A zinc sulphate solution toner which I spritz on after one of the another two I'm going to mention. This works to soothe the skin and any irritations you may have. It can also be used on razor burn, ingrown hairs, nappy rash and many other types of irritation your skin may encounter. This stuff is seriously good at soothing and I find my skin often looks less red after using it. I use it twice a day on my face, and then occasionally on my legs if I get any cuts/rashes from shaving and it works a treat. I wouldn't be without this stuff. If only they did a mini version so I could take it away with me!

2. Alpha H Liquid Gold: Technically this is more of an exfoliating treatment than a toner, as I only use it once or twice a week but I use it instead of the last toner I'm going to mention (also I use it after cleansing, before serum) so I'm going to count it as one. Liquid Gold is made with glycolic acid (don't be scared by the word 'acid', it's perfectly fine to use) and works wonders at evening out my skin tone and clearing up my complexion. Although it's aimed at older skin problems, it works a treat on fading acne scars and also any hyperpigmentation. It's one of those treatments where you really notice a difference the day after using it. I tend to use it before a big event or a night out, to ensure my skin looks super glowy, clear and ready for the day.

3. Pixi Glow Tonic: Yet another exfoliating toner (can you see a pattern yet?), but this time with a lower % of glycolic acid making it gentle enough for everyday use. This also evens out skin tone, gently exfoliates dead sin cells and leaves your skin looking healthier, more glowing and clearer. I went without using this for the first half of the year but when my skin looked a lot duller, I bought a new bottle straight away and have been using it every day ever since. I'm putting my new found confidence to go out without makeup or just wear a tinted moisturiser instead of a full coverage foundation down to this stuff. It really is a miracle in a bottle. 

So there we go, my top 3 favourite toners. I'd love to know what your favourite toners are too, and whether or not I've convinced you to throw out that awful bottle of blue stinging stuff that's sat on your bathroom shelf...

Laura x

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