The Cheek Dream Team

Ahhhhh let's all take a moment and swoon at just how beautiful this pair are. Bracing my cheeks as of late have been this gorgeous combo from Hourglass.

First up we have Ambient Lighting Blush in 'Mood Exposure'. This is a stunning soft plum shade, making it beyond perfect for this time of year. It's my favourite blush to pair with a red or berry lip as it compliments it so perfectly. Next is the Ambient Lighting Powder in 'Mood Light'. It's described as a "soft sheer lavender pink powder that mimics the softest most forgiving light and reveals your brightest complexion". I tend to sweep this over my cheekbones, brow bone, along the centre of my nose and also apply a quick light dusting over my entire face if I'm needing that extra 'oomph'. These two work perfectly together as they both have pinky tones to them. Here's what they look like on:

My face has never looked so glowy! I've had a few people comment on how glowy my skin has been looking when I've got them both on, and I can really tell the difference when I'm wearing a different blusher too! They last all day which is a bonus as I sometimes find with other blushers that I'm left looking a little washed out after a full day of work or uni, but these don't do that at all. 

Have you tried any of the Ambient Lighting products from Hourglass? I've got my eye on the Edit palette they've recently bought out for Christmas, it's so dreamy! If only my student loan would stretch that far....

Laura x


  1. I've not tried the Hourglass ones but I recently picked up the Revolution dupes of them and I agree, I've never had so many people comment on how nice my skin looks before! That plum colour looks gorgeous, it really suits you
    Megan x

    1. How have your found the Revolution ones? I've heard mixed reviews but they're so cheap I really want to try them! Which shade would you recommend? Thank you so much! :) xxx

  2. Oh these look lovely! I've not tried these before but they have been on the list for ages!!
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