Winter Skin Saviours

I don't know about you but Winter just plays havoc with my skin! Whether it's breaking out in spots, breaking out in a rash, flaking away or just looking dull; it never seems normal! However, I find that although I can't seem to tame whatever Winter does to my skin, I can help it a little with some products.

First up is oils. Oils are a life saviour for every skin type (yes, even if you're already oily). The two I've been loving as of late have been the Clarins Lotus Oil and the slightly cheaper Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum in Oil. Both of these smell amazing and leave my skin so much more glowy in the morning and bring some life back into my face. Sure, you may look a little shiny heading to bed but who cares? It'll be worth it in the morning.

Next up is two of my favourite moisturisers. I tend to layer these over the top of the oils to really lock in all that goodness. My firm favourite is the La Roche Posay Toleriane Riche. It's a very simple, no fuss, rich moisturiser that works perfectly as a base for makeup too. I ran out of this a while back and started using an Aveeno one which proceeded to turn my face into full on rash mode straight away. A quick trip to Boots for a restock of this and within days the rash had gone. I'm a bit scared to ever move away from this one again, so it'll be sticking with me for a while. 

Finally, if my skin really needs some loving I'll apply the Origins High Potency Night-A-Mins cream. I also really like the Drink Up Intensive Mask that they do too, I just forgot to add it into the picture (blogger fail). Both of the Origins numbers are really nourishing, smell amazing and do exactly what they say on the tub. WIN.

After a few days of using any of these when my skin is in a crisis, it goes back to normal if not in even better condition than before. 

What are your favourite products for sorting your skin out?

Laura xx


  1. I always enjoy reading posts where I know nothing about the products and I don't know a single one of these! I've never really used any oils either so really intrigued about Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum!

    Musings & More

    1. Aw yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading! I'd definitely recommend trying one, the body shop one is nice and affordable too :D The difference it makes to my skin is amazing! So much more glowy :D xxx

  2. I've never really tried an oil but I bet it is ideal for dry skin in the winter! The cold weather does play havoc with your skin for sure!

    Jasmin Charlotte x

    1. Yes it is. Your skin looks amazing the next day! It does, living up north doesn't help that either :(

  3. They all sound like amazing products! Really like the sound of the origins cream, will have to try it next time I'm in a big boots!

    Hana | ♥


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