2015/16 Update

Hello! It's been a little while since I last posted, mainly because the last week of uni before christmas got a little manic with assignments & I wanted sometime off over christmas & new year to relax and see family. I've had a really nice break! I thought I'd post a couple of pictures from my Instagram (follow me here!) & let you know what I've been up too. 

Christmas week was spent very relaxed, mainly watching films, eating chocolate and sitting by the fire in my pyjamas all day with the family. I did go out with friends a few times too which was super fun & lovely to see everyone! It was really nice to properly unwind as the two weeks before were a bit stressful as I had so many uni deadlines in. On the 27th it was my Auntie's birthday & we headed to Liverpool for our annual shopping trip, I didn't end up buying much but I suppose that was for the best as I saved some money. On the 28th I headed down to London/Surrey to spend New Year with my boyfriend & his family. We went for some lovely walks, ate some amazing food & I found possibly the coolest sign to the ladies toilets I have ever seen. 

New Year was lovely and was spent surrounded by friends, family & prosecco. What more could a girl ask for? My boyfriend's birthday was the day after on the 1st January, which was spent a little hungover. However, we did manage to make it out that evening to a night in London at The Hydra, which is near St Katherine's Docks. It was a really good night! The DJ's playing were amazing & we met some really cool people too. As you can see my makeup & outfit featured a large amount of glitter. I like glitter.

Finally on Sunday, I left my boyfriend's house in Surrey and popped into London for the day before catching my train. We headed to the Saatchi gallery, somewhere I'd wanted to go for a long time and did a spot of shopping afterwards. There was a lot of marble & copper featured which I loved!

 I caught my train back up north that evening and have been at home avoiding revision ever since. I really need to get cracking as I still have a few essays left to write & an exam to revise for but I'm still not quite ready to leave my christmas cocoon of  family, films, chocolate, alcohol, pyjamas & doing absolutely nothing. The January blues are hitting me hard already. Summer needs to hurry up!

I hope you all had a wonderful christmas break! What are you top tips for beating the January blues? I need help! 

Laura xx


  1. Beautiful photos! I love how you captured the detail. Nice to hear you had a lovely time on New Years. Great post!


    1. Thank you! Surprisingly these were taken on my ipod but I'm impressed with the quality! Thank you so much for commenting :) xx

  2. I love this kind of post (because I'm nosy!) Keep it up! Sounds like you had a great holiday - I miss my Christmas cocoon too! I found reflecting on my year (and blogging about it!) helped with the January blues, to give me some perspective!
    Kirsty x

    1. Haha I'm nosy too! Yes it was lovely thank you. Ooh that's a good idea, thank you! xx


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