Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Hello (again)

Alright! There's a mugshot of me for you, trying to look smart wearing my friends glasses whilst holding a mojito. Never a smart idea...

I've been here far too many times now, started a blog, written a couple of posts, forgotten about them, started again, you get the drill. I've decided this time I want to make an actual, proper go of it! As my time at university looms around the halfway mark (all I can say is "aah!"), career options are a topic constantly playing on my mind. I have no clue what I want to do with my life, not sure if my degree is going to be of any help and am getting a tad peeved at the constant "so what are you going to do after uni?" questions. I have no idea! Blogging and vlogging are always something I've always been interested in. I started a blog & YouTube channel around 5 years ago at the tender age of 15. I sat down with a camera in my room babbling about beauty products and clothes, long before the days of the famous youtuber crowd (damn why didn't I stick at it!!). I was asked by YouTube to join their Partner programme, which is where you get paid for your videos, but being only 15, I sadly didn't have my own bank account and was too embarrassed to tell my family of my secret dream career so my channel slowly fizzled out. The same goes for my blog, I believe this is possibly the 3rd blog I've had now and none of them have been particularly successful (although one of them did have 14 subscribers once!). I always seem to start it up, then get too engrossed in studies to remember to carry it on. GCSE's, A Levels and the start of my degree have all been times I've tried, and failed, to give it a good go. I'm currently writing this with the intention of noone reading it, as I have zero subscribers but hopefully one day someone lovely and wonderful will stumble upon this little space and hit that big, juicy subscribe button and make a certain lady very happy that someone out there is listening! I'd like to take this blog in more of a random musings direction, rather than the beauty mad way of my 16 year old self. Expect to see ramblings about cooking, lifestyle, home and of course still some beauty. This is something I'd love to do as a career as I really can't see myself doing anything else. Let's give it a good go this time ey!

Laura x


  1. Welcome Back. And Good luck with a fresh start in the blogging world!


    1. Thankyou! Hoping it goes a little better this time! :) xx

    2. I'm the worst blogger ever and I already managed to keep it up for a year.
      You can do it!

  2. Welcome (back) to the blogging world! I know exactly how you feel, this is actually my third blog attempt too!
    Hopefully you stick at this one, I look forward to reading future posts! ♥

    1. Thankyou! Yeah I always get so motivated to do it & then give up! But it feels different this time so let's hope it works out :D hoping to get some up tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled! xxx

  3. Welcome back :) I like your approach to writing, I have had around 3-4 different blogs by now and grow tired of the what are you going to do after college questions, honestly I have no idea! But good luck for now :) x

    1. Thanks :) My degree is English Language so I like to think it's something I'm fairly alright at haha! It's constant questions I swear! Ahh! Thankyou you too :) xxx

  4. Welcome back to blogging and I really hope you stick with it! I really enjoy your writing style and I'm sure many others will too :) looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    1. Thankyou! I'm looking forward to writing them! :) xxx

  5. I just started again too! I know how hard it is to stick at it, but I really like your posts and I definitely think you should keep up the hard work :)

    Best of luck

    1. Yeah, had a bit of a slip back recently as University work got so mad, but that's all submitted now so I can start posting again yay! Thank you :) xx

  6. It's hard to stay committed, especially when you feel like there's so many other things to do, but it's simply a balancing act and prioritising activities. I've been in your place many times dear.
